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Venue & Accessibility Information

We are committed to improving access for visitors to the Gleneagle Arena. Not only do we incorporate all legislative requirements for accessibility, we also have taken additional steps to convert a number of bedrooms on the ground floor of the on-site Gleneagle to ensure that they are fully wheelchair accessible.

We are now listed on the Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) website and have welcomed groups from both Caring for Carers Ireland and the IWA. The Gleneagle Arena & Gleneagle Conference & Events has also hosted the Caring for Carers Ireland conference on a number of occasions.

The Following Features Are Available:

IF you require any additional information please email

To hire this venue, please contact
Fiona O’Connor

00353 86 929 2622

For detailed technical specifications, please contact
Kieran Somers

00353 87 7708709

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INEC - part of Gleneagle Group